Thursday, April 2, 2009

Thank You, Mr. Bucket

It was opening night of "Willie Wonka Junior" tonight and my Camo had the role of Mr. Bucket, Charlie's dad. He did an awesome job! It was so much fun to see him, he seems very comfortable on stage. Maybe I have a star in the making.

He's seen in the first photo with Willie Wonka and Mr. Salt (our cute neighbor, Jason)
In the second pic he's with two of his teachers (Mrs. Elison and Miss Gill) who were so great to come and see him.
In the third there is Veruca Salt, a couple of Oompa Loompas and Mrs. Bucket
The last is Veruca, Mrs. Beauregarde, Mrs. Bucket, some Oopma Loompas and the reporter!
It was so fun!


Linda Lou said...

Well congratulations Mr. Bucket! I'm glad that you are enjoying your drama experience. It looks like you had a great time.

I'm proud of you!!
Break a leg !!

Megan said...

Way to go Cam-o!

Ally Bally said...

That's awesome Cam. Don't forget us little people when your famous!!!

Sermons of the Day said...

Cam seems to have his future all figured out as far as a carrier. It is nice to see him doing somthing he loves. We need some good clean family movies out there Cam so start writting.